✦ Hello! ✦

I'm a Homunculus Vtuber (*not a goat).
I stream on Twitch uwu

✦ About Me ✦

My name is Alsi Thanmur. I'm your sweet and local homunculus (not a goat!). I like to bring a comfy and cozy atmosphere for all to relax and unwind. Even when I'm malding in a game, I'm told I'm still comfy to listen to!I mostly like comfy/cozy games and story based games. I do occasionally play the FPS genre (even though my aim needs some work!). I study Japanese in my free time and have JLPT N4.For any ASMR, my YouTube will have the vods with new uploads every week! Script readings will appear there in the future.

✦ Lore ✦

Coming to life artificially was absolutely a traumatizing experience. In my reading and word of mouth, other creatures are developed over a slow, lengthy process. They start as a bundle of cells, growing and growing until they form a living, breathing creature.Commonly, newborns do not create memories when first brought into the world. It may be a few years until they are capable of doing so. Even before making long term memories, they learn to interact with their world. They evaluate their surroundings. They know what may bring joy. What hurts. What is soft. They come to realize the senses they have. Perhaps the slow growth period helps their bodies acclimate to their new environments.For me, however, my experience was nothing like this.I was suddenly brought to existence. I remember that horrific day clearly. As if from thin air I came to life. The sensations I felt were staggering. I saw colors and shapes in newly acquired eyes. A whirlwind of scents brushed against my new nose. Cold and heat reached different surfaces of my skin. The faintest footstep reverberated loud against my eardrums.I gasped for air, feeling overwhelmed and in shock. A figure before me raised their hands and seemed to pat the air as they approached me. They tried to gently walk to me to not frighten me, but I knew not what they were or where I was. I clumsily but frantically used my new limbs to put distance between us and ended up with my back against a cold stone wall.
It’s hard to say what I felt at the time of my new life. I didn’t quite understand the concept of emotions yet. Did I feel scared? Stressed? Anxious? I would not know. I had no comprehension of these emotions yet. I struggled to balance. I struggled to convey emotions through my assigned vocal cords. I knew nothing of the world I was brought into.
From this point, I don't quite remember if it was due to the overwhelming situation combined with my new senses or if it was intentional by the other party, but my consciousness soon left me.
I later learned from my kanei (kah-nee) that I was created artificially. To put into words this world would understand, I am a homunculus. I knew nothing of this world I was forced into. I was simply a being that was brought to life.
I was lost in this new world, but my kanei helped me understand the inner workings of it. They taught me how to stand and move. They taught me how to speak and read. I was something like an emotionless stone at first (which I am made abundantly with stone), but slowly I developed an understanding of emotions and came to realize my own. This resulted in a nurture-based personality.
The name my kanei assigned to me was Alsi. Alsi Thanmur. My kanei was something like an Alchemist. They researched ways to create different materials for the benefit of their people. Common ore for high quality metals. Cheap fabric to a quality silk. Raw material to create life…
Kanei feared my existence would bring misunderstanding and fear in their people. They kept me secret for a long amount of time. They taught me about their people’s culture and how to act around others. It was all quite fascinating, really. Different ways to show respect or changes in speech pattern depending on the listener. To clothes they wear and what they accent. I’ve certainly improved since the beginning, but there have been occasions I’ve inconvenienced my kanei.
They taught me a lot about alchemy. I was informed I was a fast learner, but really, I was just a sponge absorbing any and all information given, whether verbal or in text. During the day, they’d teach me about how the shell of a specific beetle species melted down with a flower could produce a pleasant, soothing incense and the sort. In the evening I’d take hold of whatever books lined the shelves of their library. At first it was to practice my comprehension of their language, but it grew into a fascination with almost any topic. History, culture, the arts–anything. Rather than limit myself to alchemy, I wished to learn any and all topics.
As for what subject matter I felt most attuned to, I had an interest in the people. How generations before them led them to where they are now. How their culture evolved over time. How they developed a language… I found it all so fascinating. When I expressed this interest to my kanei, they supported me. They brought up how I wasn’t only limited to studying the people of this world, however. They had once read an ancient book about different worlds. At the time, they seemed really excited about the idea of exploring other universes, but I expressed interest in first exploring more of the world we already were presently in.
Plans and ideas were jotted down. Ways of travel were recorded, along with notes on where to travel and what different cultures we may come across. We did have tentative plans to explore the other dimensions out there and researched together methods to jump from one world to the next. Would it work like a circle where we have to hop from one world to the next in order before we could return to our own? Could we control which worlds we can jump to by entering a specific combination of parameters? The both of us were all too excited.
But we would never leave for the trip.

I’m not sure how it happened. I’m not sure why they grew suspicious, but people in our local area came unannounced to our home with weapons in hands and fearful expressions on their faces. Mayhaps they were always weary of my kanei and decided then to get rid of him. Perhaps word accidentally slipped how I wasn’t a natural being of this world.
I only saw their expressions as I ran out of my burning home. I never knew smoke could cause a dreadful burning sensation in my lungs. I was alone–without my kanei. A large structure of our home fell onto their legs, breaking them instantly. I tried to push the beam off their body, but it wouldn’t budge. kanei told me to just salvage what I could from the library and run. My body froze. It grew more difficult to breathe within the fiery chaos of our once welcoming home.
I collapsed to my knees and touched their face, begging the universe for some miracle to happen. The fires left burns on my palms, causing an unpleasant tingling sensation but I’ll never forget how their skin felt against them. The melancholic, but adamant look in their eyes. For the first time, I felt a liquid form from my eyes and drip down my cheeks. Years of speaking practice to know how to move my tongue and jaw but all I could struggle to muster were pitiful cries from my vocal chords. It was all new at the time, but at the time I hadn’t taken notice.
My kanei however did. They formed a pained smile on their lips and murmured to themselves how they were happy to see their creation express a new emotion. They only wished it was during better circumstances.
kanei pushed me away, reasoning that at least one of us should come out of this ordeal alive. Feeling a lump in my throat, I took his last order and escaped with as many books from the library as my arms could hold.
I ran as hard as my legs could take me, ignoring any bushes or debris dragging across my legs. Whether it caused pain, I could not tell. Nothing compared to the tightness in my chest. I tripped a few times but quickly stood back up and continued forward without looking back.
My kanei was gone. Our trip was left unfulfilled.
A few days later, I returned to the singed land that once held our precious home. Laid over the ground were scorched memories of our lives together. I didn’t realize how dear our home was to me until its wall burned to ashes.
I recovered the burnt flesh and bones that once was my kanei and gave him a small burial. I knew it was customary, but until then did not understand why bodies of loved ones were buried so ceremoniously–it was just time to return to the earth and provide nutrients for future lifeforms. As the tears again fell down my cheeks, I finally understood.
Of the items I managed to take with me, one was the notebook we wrote our travel plans into, but…I now longer felt the motivation to explore this world. How could I stand to stay in a world with horrible beings who’d commit such heinous acts upon us? Perhaps I could reason with them and help them understand we were no threat, but I had no desire to.
The other item I managed to take away was one of their ancient alchemy texts of which contained rumored methods to send us to another world. At the time I shrugged it off. That was a future goal not yet in my mind. I wouldn’t say I was now either. All I cared about was getting out of this one.
It took a long time to decipher and some traveling to collect some ingredients but…well as you can see, I left. Now I am here. I live through my kanei by studying my passion and learning of other people’s cultures.

✦ Credits ✦

  • Backgrounds ✦ Nailum

  • Bit and Sub Badges ✦ Jin

  • Follow / Sub Train Icons ✦ Tokumei

  • Streamloots Cards ✦ Kori

  • Starting Art & Animation ✦ Day

  • Panel Art ✦ Arba

  • Art ✦ Tsel

  • Animation ✦ KJOEE88

  • Hands Asset ✦ Sami

  • Controller and Arms Asset ✦ Mia

  • Mic and 3dio Asset ✦ Tori

  • Croissant Throwable ✦ Minty

  • Safe Space Banner ✦ Ruby

  • Banner Art ✦ Saki

  • Banner ✦ Zytin

✦ Emotes ✦

✦ Contact Info ✦

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